Another [Amaze-Balls] AU!

Another year, Another AU...... But not just any other AU!
This one was different. I know there will be the nay-sayers out there…."It's just more Autodesk App-filled set of sessions" and schwag give-aways in the Exhibit Hall. If you're in this belief group, feel free to move onto the next post.
Without doubt - This is an awesome time to be in the AEC industry, whether as a designer, contractor or owner - right now is special. We have been handed a blank canvas with an unlimited set of tools to create, collaborate and interact with from anywhere in the world.
Do you want to design buildings, spaces, infrastructure? Choose from any number of platforms - like:
Revit (of course) - global parameters, adaptive family content, just awesomeness
Dynamo - go with parametric visual programming with the direct tie-in to Revit and many other applications
Formit 360 - Quick concepts & studies talking to your Revit enviro and Dynamo enviro
Autodesk LIVE - Two clicks and you're in VR / AR world
Want to make a difference in your community through collaborative design? Then jump into BIM 360 applications. Collaborate with the community using shared Formit models. When we engage with our youth, our community and environments will be stronger as they will be invested in the spaces around them.
Want to engage with your client and facility owner from day one? Then lets no longer just talk about it - let's do it. Revit to Glue to Field to Building Ops. Complete handover of model, data and assets in one single consumable format. Not only will your design team thank you for the opportunity to learn new workflows but your client will feed you more projects going forward.
And I haven't even touched on Fractal or Forge and that mind-numbing potential….
Now, I am NOT a paid spokesperson for Autodesk - but I work in their application solutions daily. I provide guidance and solutions at the Partner level down to the end-user level. So it is incumbent upon me to learn, know and share as much as possible of what we have in our toolbox as well as what is coming and what can be a benefit to our design teams.